V-25022 | Medium | All smartphones must display the required banner during device unlock/ logon. | DoD CIO memo requires all PDAs, BlackBerrys, and smartphones to have a consent banner displayed during logon/device unlock to ensure users understand their responsibilities to safeguard DoD data. |
V-24981 | Medium | Smartphone devices must have required operating system software versions installed. | Required security features are not available in earlier OS versions. In addition, there are known vulnerabilities in earlier versions. |
V-19899 | Medium | All wireless PDA client VPNs must have split tunneling disabled. This check is not applicable if the installed VPN client is not used for remote access to DoD networks.
| DoD data could be compromised if transmitted data is not secured with a compliant VPN. Split tunneling could allow connections from non-secure Internet sites to access data on the DoD network. |
V-19898 | Medium | All wireless PDA clients used for remote access to DoD networks must have a VPN supporting CAC authentication. This check is not applicable if the installed VPN client is not used for remote access to DoD networks.
| DoD data could be compromised if transmitted data is not secured with a compliant VPN. |
V-19897 | Medium | All wireless PDA clients used for remote access to DoD networks must have a VPN that supports AES encryption. This check is not applicable if the installed VPN client is not used for remote access to DoD networks.
| DoD data could be compromised if transmitted data is not secured with a compliant VPN. |
V-18627 | Medium | The VPN client on wireless clients (PDAs, smartphones) used for remote access to DoD networks must be FIPS 140-2 validated. This check is not applicable if the installed VPN client is not used for remote access to DoD networks. | DoD data could be compromised if transmitted data is not secured with a compliant VPN. FIPS validation provides a level of assurance that the encryption of the device has been securely implemented. |
V-24986 | Low | All non-core applications on the smartphone must be approved by the DAA or Command IT Configuration Control Board. | Non-approved applications can contain malware. Approved applications should be reviewed and tested by the approving authority to ensure they do not contain malware, spyware, or have unexpected... |
V-24984 | Low | If smartphone email auto signatures are used, the signature message must not disclose that the email originated from a smartphone (e.g., “Sent From My Wireless Handheld”). | The disclaimer message may give information which may key an attacker in on the device. This is primarily an OPSEC issue. This setting was directed by the CYBERCOM. |
V-24982 | Low | Smart Card Readers (SCRs) used with smartphone must have required software version installed. | Required security features are not available in earlier software versions. In addition, there may be known vulnerabilities in earlier versions. |