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The system must disable the distributed virtual switch health check.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-63961 VCWN-06-000012 SV-78451r1_rule Low
Network Healthcheck is disabled by default. Once enabled, the healthcheck packets contain information on host#, vds#, port#, which an attacker would find useful. It is recommended that network healthcheck be used for troubleshooting, and turned off when troubleshooting is finished.
VMware vSphere vCenter Server Version 6 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2015-12-09


Check Text ( C-64713r1_chk )
From the vSphere Web Client go to Networking >> Select a distributed switch >> Manage >> Settings >> Health Check. View the health check pane and verify both checks are disabled.


From a PowerCLI command prompt while connected to the vCenter server run the following commands:

$vds = Get-VDSwitch

If the health check feature is enabled on distributed switches and is not on temporarily for troubleshooting purposes, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-69891r1_fix)
From the vSphere Web Client go to Networking >> Select a distributed switch >> Manage >> Settings >> Health Check. Click the edit button and disable both health checks.


From a PowerCLI command prompt while connected to the vCenter server run the following command:

Get-View -ViewType DistributedVirtualSwitch | ?{($_.config.HealthCheckConfig | ?{$_.enable -notmatch "False"})}| %{$_.UpdateDVSHealthCheckConfig(@((New-Object Vmware.Vim.VMwareDVSVlanMtuHealthCheckConfig -property @{enable=0}),(New-Object Vmware.Vim.VMwareDVSTeamingHealthCheckConfig -property @{enable=0})))}