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The vCenter Server must have Mutual Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) configured for vSAN Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) targets.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-258953 VCSA-80-000286 SV-258953r961863_rule Medium
When enabled, vSphere performs bidirectional authentication of both the iSCSI target and host. When not authenticating both the iSCSI target and host, the potential exists for a man-in-the-middle attack in which an attacker might impersonate either side of the connection to steal data. Bidirectional authentication mitigates this risk.
VMware vSphere 8.0 vCenter Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-07-11


Check Text ( C-62693r934515_chk )
If no clusters are enabled for vSAN or if vSAN is enabled but iSCSI is not enabled, this is not applicable.

From the vSphere Client, go to Host and Clusters.

Select a vSAN Enabled Cluster >> Configure >> vSAN >> iSCSI Target Service.

For each iSCSI target, review the value in the "Authentication" column.

If the Authentication method is not set to "CHAP_Mutual" for any iSCSI target, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-62602r934516_fix)
From the vSphere Client, go to Host and Clusters.

Select a vSAN Enabled Cluster >> Configure >> vSAN >> iSCSI Target Service.

For each iSCSI target, select the item and click "Edit".

Change the "Authentication" field to "Mutual CHAP" and configure the incoming and outgoing users and secrets appropriately.