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The UEM server must provide digitally signed policies and policy updates to the UEM agent.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-256892 SRG-APP-000427-UEM-000500 SV-256892r985785_rule High
It is critical that the UEM server sign all policy updates with validated certificates. Otherwise, there is no assurance that a malicious actor has not inserted itself in the process of packaging the code or policy. Satisfies: FMT_POL_EXT.1.1
Unified Endpoint Management Server Security Requirements Guide 2024-07-02


Check Text ( C-60567r891313_chk )
Verify the UEM server is signing all policy updates sent to the UEM Agent with validated certificates.

If the UEM server is not signing all policy updates sent to the UEM Agent with validated certificates, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-60510r891311_fix)
Configure the UEM server to sign all policy updates sent to the UEM Agent with validated certificates.