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The UEM server must enforce a 60-day maximum password lifetime restriction.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-234377 SRG-APP-000174-UEM-000104 SV-234377r985756_rule Medium
Any password, no matter how complex, can eventually be cracked. Therefore, passwords need to be changed at specific intervals. One method of minimizing this risk is to use complex passwords and periodically change them. If the application does not limit the lifetime of passwords and force users to change their passwords, there is the risk that the system and/or application passwords could be compromised. This requirement does not include emergency administration accounts, which are meant for access to the application in case of failure. These accounts are not required to have maximum password lifetime restrictions. Satisfies:FMT_SMF.1(2)b Reference:PP-MDM-431024
Unified Endpoint Management Server Security Requirements Guide 2024-07-02


Check Text ( C-37562r614141_chk )
Verify the UEM server enforces a 60-day maximum password lifetime restriction.

If the UEM server does not enforce a 60-day maximum password lifetime restriction, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-37527r614142_fix)
Configure the UEM server to enforce a 60-day maximum password lifetime restriction.