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The default umask for FTP users must be 077.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-216107 SOL-11.1-040260 SV-216107r959010_rule Low
Setting a very secure default value for umask ensures that users make a conscious choice about their file permissions.
Solaris 11 X86 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-05-30


Check Text ( C-17345r372703_chk )
The package service/network/ftp must be installed for this check.

# pkg list service/network/ftp

If the output of this command is:

pkg list: no packages matching 'service/network/ftp' installed

no further action is required.

Determine if the FTP umask is set to 077.

# egrep -i "^UMASK" /etc/proftpd.conf | awk '{ print $2 }'

If 077 is not displayed, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-17343r372704_fix)
The root role is required.

# pkg list service/network/ftp

If the output of this command is:

pkg list: no packages matching 'service/network/ftp' installed

no further action is required. Otherwise, edit the FTP configuration file.

# pfedit /etc/proftpd.conf

Locate the line containing:


Change the line to read:

Umask 077