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The system must disable network routing unless required.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-216143 SOL-11.1-050130 SV-216143r603268_rule Medium
The network routing daemon, in.routed, manages network routing tables. If enabled, it periodically supplies copies of the system's routing tables to any directly connected hosts and networks and picks up routes supplied to it from other networks and hosts. Routing Internet Protocol (RIP) is a legacy protocol with a number of security weaknesses, including a lack of authentication, zoning, pruning, etc.
Solaris 11 x86 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-02


Check Text ( C-17381r372811_chk )
Determine if routing is disabled.

# routeadm -p | egrep "routing |forwarding" | grep enabled

If the command output includes "persistent=enabled" or "current=enabled", this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-17379r372812_fix)
The Network Management profile is required.

Disable routing for IPv4 and IPv6.

# pfexec routeadm -d ipv4-forwarding -d ipv4-routing
# pfexec routeadm -d ipv6-forwarding -d ipv6-routing

To apply these changes to the running system, use the command:

# pfexec routeadm -u