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The system must ignore ICMP redirect messages.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-216137 SOL-11.1-050070 SV-216137r603268_rule Low
Ignoring ICMP redirect messages reduces the likelihood of denial of service attacks.
Solaris 11 x86 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-02


Check Text ( C-17375r372793_chk )
Determine if ICMP redirect messages are ignored.

# ipadm show-prop -p _ignore_redirect -co current ipv4
# ipadm show-prop -p _ignore_redirect -co current ipv6

If the output of all commands is not "1", this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-17373r372794_fix)
The Network Management profile is required.

Disable ignore redirects for IPv4 and IPv6.

# pfexec ipadm set-prop -p _ignore_redirect=1 ipv4
# pfexec ipadm set-prop -p _ignore_redirect=1 ipv6