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The System packages must be up to date with the most recent vendor updates and security fixes.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-216045 SOL-11.1-020010 SV-216045r603268_rule Medium
Failure to install security updates can provide openings for attack.
Solaris 11 x86 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-02


Check Text ( C-17283r372517_chk )
The Software Installation Profile is required.

An up-to-date Solaris repository must be accessible to the system. Enter the command:

# pkg publisher

to determine the current repository publisher. If a repository is not accessible, it may need to be locally installed and configured.

Check for Solaris software package updates:

# pfexec pkg update -n

If the command does not report "No updates available for this image," this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-17281r372518_fix)
The Software Installation Profile is required.

An up-to-date Solaris repository must be accessible to the system. Enter the command:

# pkg publisher

to determine the current repository publisher. If a repository is not accessible, it may need to be locally installed and configured.

Update system packages to the current version.

# pfexec pkg update

A reboot may be required for the updates to take effect.