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Solaris 11 X86 Security Technical Implementation Guide


Date Finding Count (90)
2016-07-22 CAT I (High): 11 CAT II (Med): 61 CAT III (Low): 18
STIG Description
Developed by Oracle in coordination with DISA for the DoD. The Solaris 11 (X86) Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) is published as a tool to improve the security of Department of Defense (DoD) information systems. Comments or proposed revisions to this document should be sent via e-mail to the following address: disa.stig_spt@mail.mil.

Available Profiles

Findings (MAC I - Mission Critical Sensitive)

Finding ID Severity Title
V-48107 High Login must not be permitted with empty/null passwords for SSH.
V-48119 High There must be no user .rhosts files.
V-48121 High The system must not allow autologin capabilities from the GNOME desktop.
V-48027 High The operating system must be a supported release.
V-47845 High The operating system must alert designated organizational officials in the event of an audit processing failure.
V-47843 High The audit system must alert the System Administrator (SA) if there is any type of audit failure.
V-48143 High The operating system must not allow logins for users with blank passwords.
V-47915 High The telnet service daemon must not be installed unless required.
V-47911 High The FTP daemon must not be installed unless required.
V-47913 High The TFTP service daemon must not be installed unless required.
V-47905 High The NIS package must not be installed.
V-59841 Medium All system start-up files must be group-owned by root, sys, or bin.
V-48103 Medium Direct root account login must not be permitted for SSH access.
V-48101 Medium The rhost-based authentication for SSH must be disabled.
V-48187 Medium The operating system must use mechanisms for authentication to a cryptographic module meeting the requirements of applicable federal laws, Executive orders, directives, policies, regulations, standards, and guidance for such authentication.
V-48183 Medium The operating system must employ FIPS-validate or NSA-approved cryptography to implement digital signatures.
V-47971 Medium The system must require passwords to contain at least one uppercase alphabetic character.
V-48077 Medium Reserved UIDs 0-99 must only be used by system accounts.
V-48115 Medium Groups assigned to users must exist in the /etc/group file.
V-48117 Medium The use of FTP must be restricted.
V-48113 Medium Host-based authentication for login-based services must be disabled.
V-48195 Medium The operating system must terminate all sessions and network connections when non-local maintenance is completed.
V-61005 Medium All .Xauthority files must have mode 0600 or less permissive.
V-47967 Medium The system must require at least eight characters be changed between the old and new passwords during a password change.
V-47961 Medium Users must not reuse the last 5 passwords.
V-47803 Medium Audit records must include the outcome (success or failure) of the events that occurred.
V-47801 Medium Audit records must include the sources of the events that occurred.
V-48061 Medium The default umask for system and users must be 077.
V-48065 Medium The system must not allow users to configure .forward files.
V-48067 Medium User .netrc files must not exist.
V-48123 Medium Permissions on user .netrc files must be 750 or less permissive.
V-48125 Medium Unauthorized use of the at or cron capabilities must not be permitted.
V-48127 Medium Logins to the root account must be restricted to the system console only.
V-47957 Medium User passwords must be at least 15 characters in length.
V-48055 Medium The system must restrict the ability of users to assume excessive privileges to members of a defined group and prevent unauthorized users from accessing administrative tools.
V-48057 Medium The operating system must require individuals to be authenticated with an individual authenticator prior to using a group authenticator.
V-48053 Medium The system must prevent the use of dictionary words for passwords.
V-48035 Medium The root account must be the only account with GID of 0.
V-49635 Medium The operating system must monitor for unauthorized connections of mobile devices to organizational information systems.
V-48043 Medium The delay between login prompts following a failed login attempt must be at least 4 seconds.
V-48047 Medium Graphical desktop environments provided by the system must automatically lock after 15 minutes of inactivity.
V-48045 Medium The system must require users to re-authenticate to unlock a graphical desktop environment.
V-48025 Medium The system must implement non-executable program stacks.
V-47835 Medium The audit system must alert the SA when the audit storage volume approaches its capacity.
V-47939 Medium The operating system must disable information system functionality that provides the capability for automatic execution of code on mobile devices without user direction.
V-48133 Medium Permissions on user home directories must be 750 or less permissive.
V-48139 Medium The operating system session lock mechanism, when activated on a device with a display screen, must place a publicly viewable pattern onto the associated display, hiding what was previously visible on the screen.
V-47797 Medium Audit records must include when (date and time) the events occurred.
V-47795 Medium Audit records must include what type of events occurred.
V-47793 Medium The operating system must support the capability to compile audit records from multiple components within the system into a system-wide (logical or physical) audit trail that is time-correlated to within organization-defined level of tolerance.
V-47791 Medium The operating system must generate audit records for the selected list of auditable events as defined in DoD list of events.
V-59839 Medium All system start-up files must be owned by root.
V-48243 Medium Systems must employ cryptographic hashes for passwords using the SHA-2 family of algorithms or FIPS 140-2 approved successors.
V-48245 Medium The system must disable accounts after three consecutive unsuccessful login attempts.
V-47799 Medium Audit records must include where the events occurred.
V-48093 Medium X11 forwarding for SSH must be disabled.
V-47921 Medium The VNC server package must not be installed unless required.
V-47785 Medium The audit system records must be able to be used by a report generation capability.
V-47787 Medium The operating system must provide the capability to automatically process audit records for events of interest based upon selectable, event criteria.
V-47999 Medium The system must not have accounts configured with blank or null passwords.
V-47781 Medium The audit system must produce records containing sufficient information to establish the identity of any user/subject associated with the event.
V-47783 Medium The audit system must support an audit reduction capability.
V-59827 Medium All run control scripts must have mode 0755 or less permissive.
V-47997 Medium The operating system must implement transaction recovery for transaction-based systems.
V-47991 Medium The system must require passwords to contain at least one special character.
V-47789 Medium The audit records must provide data for all auditable events defined at the organizational level for the organization-defined information system components.
V-48089 Medium The nobody access for RPC encryption key storage service must be disabled.
V-48087 Medium Login services for serial ports must be disabled.
V-47989 Medium The system must require passwords to contain at least one numeric character.
V-47981 Medium The operating system must enforce password complexity requiring that at least one lowercase character is used.
V-59831 Medium Run control scripts executable search paths must contain only absolute paths.
V-47901 Medium The legacy remote network access utilities daemons must not be installed.
V-48109 Low Users must have a valid home directory assignment.
V-48105 Low All user accounts must be configured to use a home directory that exists.
V-48071 Low The default umask for FTP users must be 077.
V-48205 Low The operating system must display the DoD approved system use notification message or banner for SSH connections.
V-48203 Low The GNOME service must display the DoD approved system use notification message or banner before granting access to the system.
V-48111 Low The operating system must terminate the network connection associated with a communications session at the end of the session or after 10 minutes of inactivity.
V-48199 Low The FTP service must display the DoD approved system use notification message or banner before granting access to the system.
V-47893 Low The finger daemon package must not be installed.
V-47895 Low The limitpriv zone option must be set to the vendor default or less permissive.
V-47897 Low The /etc/zones directory, and its contents, must have the vendor default owner, group, and permissions.
V-48033 Low The operating system must reveal error messages only to authorized personnel.
V-48131 Low The operating system, upon successful logon, must display to the user the date and time of the last logon (access).
V-48099 Low Consecutive login attempts for SSH must be limited to 3.
V-47993 Low The system must require passwords to contain no more than three consecutive repeating characters.
V-47917 Low The UUCP service daemon must not be installed unless required.
V-48209 Low The operating system must display the DoD approved system use notification message or banner before granting access to the system for general system logons.
V-47909 Low The pidgin IM client package must not be installed.
V-48001 Low The system must require authentication before allowing modification of the boot devices or menus. Secure the GRUB Menu (Intel).