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The operating system must configure auditing to reduce the likelihood of storage capacity being exceeded.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-219968 SOL-11.1-010410 SV-219968r958752_rule High
Overflowing the audit storage area can result in a denial of service or system outage.
Solaris 11 SPARC Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-05-30


Check Text ( C-21678r370913_chk )
The Audit Configuration profile is required.

This check applies to the global zone only. Determine the zone that you are currently securing.

# zonename

If the command output is "global", this check applies.

Check the status of the audit system. It must be auditing.

# pfexec auditconfig -getplugin

If the output of this command does not contain:


this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-21677r370914_fix)
The Audit Control profile is required.

This action applies to the global zone only. Determine the zone that you are currently securing.

# zonename

If the command output is "global", this action applies.

Set the size of a binary audit file to a specific size. The size is specified in megabytes.

# pfexec auditconfig -setplugin audit_binfile p_fsize=4M

Restart the audit system.

# pfexec audit -s