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The operating system must allocate audit record storage capacity.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-219967 SOL-11.1-010400 SV-219967r854530_rule Medium
Proper audit storage capacity is crucial to ensuring the ongoing logging of critical events.
Solaris 11 SPARC Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-02


Check Text ( C-21677r370910_chk )
The Audit Configuration profile is required.

This check applies to the global zone only. Determine the zone that you are currently securing.

# zonename

If the command output is "global", this check applies.

Review the current audit file space limitations

# pfexec auditconfig -getplugin audit_binfile
Plugin: audit_binfile (active)

The output of the command will appear in this form.

Attributes: p_dir=/var/audit;p_fsize=4M;p_minfree=2

If p_minfree is not equal to "2" of greater, this is a finding.

p_dir defines the current audit file system.

Note: By default in Solaris 11.1, /var/audit is a link to /var/share/audit which is mounted on rpool/VARSHARE.

Check that zfs compression is enabled for the audit file system.

# zfs get compression [poolname/filesystemname]

If compression is off, this is a finding.

Check that a ZFS quota is enforced for the audit filesystem.

# zfs get quota [poolname/filesystemname]

If quota is set to "none", this is a finding.

Ensure that a reservation of space is enforced on /var/share so that other users do not use up audit space.

# zfs get quota,reservation [poolname/filesystemname]

If reservation is set to "none", this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-21676r370911_fix)
The Audit Configuration, Audit Control and ZFS File System Management profiles are required.

This action applies to the global zone only. Determine the zone that you are currently securing.

# zonename

If the command output is "global", this action applies.

Determine the audit system directory name:

# pfexec auditconfig -getplugin audit_binfile
Plugin: audit_binfile (active)

The output of the command will appear in this form:

Attributes: p_dir=/var/audit;p_fsize=4M;p_minfree=1;

p_dir defines the current audit file system.

Note: By default in Solaris 11.1, /var/audit is a link to /var/share/audit which is mounted on rpool/VARSHARE.

Set a minimum percentage of free space on the audit_binfile plugin to 2%.

# pfexec auditconfig -setplugin audit_binfile p_minfree=2

Restart the audit system.

# pfexec audit -s

Enable compression for the audit filesystem.

# pfexec zfs set compression=on [poolname/filesystemname]

Set a ZFS quota on the default /var/share filesystem for audit records to ensure that the root pool is not filled up with audit logs.

# pfexec zfs set quota=XXG [poolname/filesystemname]

This commands sets the quota to XX Gigabytes. This value should be based upon organizational requirements.

Set a ZFS reservation on the default /var/share filesystem for audit records to ensure that the audit file system is guaranteed a fixed amount of storage.

# pfexec zfs set reservation=XXG [poolname/filesystemname]

This commands sets the quota to XX Gigabytes. This value should be based upon organizational requirements.