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The MSDP router must be configured to limit the amount of source-active messages it accepts on per-peer basis.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-207105 SRG-NET-000018-RTR-000009 SV-207105r604135_rule Low
To reduce any risk of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack from a rogue or misconfigured MSDP router, the router must be configured to limit the number of source-active messages it accepts from each peer.
Router Security Requirements Guide 2024-05-28


Check Text ( C-7366r382160_chk )
Review the router configuration to determine if it is configured to limit the amount of source-active messages it accepts on a per-peer basis.

If the router is not configured to limit the source-active messages it accepts, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-7366r382161_fix)
Configure the MSDP router to limit the amount of source-active messages it accepts from each peer.