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The perimeter router must be configured to drop IPv6 undetermined transport packets.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-220147 SRG-NET-000364-RTR-000200 SV-220147r950991_rule Medium
One of the fragmentation weaknesses known in IPv6 is the undetermined transport packet. This packet contains an undetermined protocol due to fragmentation. Depending on the length of the IPv6 extension header chain, the initial fragment may not contain the layer four port information of the packet.
Router Security Requirements Guide 2024-02-07


Check Text ( C-21862r856662_chk )
This requirement is not applicable for the DODIN Backbone.

Review the router configuration to determine if it is configured to drop IPv6 undetermined transport packets.

If the router is not configured to drop IPv6 undetermined transport packets, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-21855r457770_fix)
Configure the router to drop IPv6 undetermined transport packets.