Palo Alto Networks ALG Security Technical Implementation Guide


Date Finding Count (50)
2016-06-30 CAT I (High): 1 CAT II (Med): 46 CAT III (Low): 3
STIG Description
This Security Technical Implementation Guide is published as a tool to improve the security of Department of Defense (DoD) information systems. The requirements are derived from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53 and related documents. Comments or proposed revisions to this document should be sent via e-mail to the following address:

Available Profiles

Findings (MAC III - Administrative Sensitive)

Finding ID Severity Title
V-62601 High The Palo Alto Networks security platform must protect against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks by employing rate-based attack prevention behavior analysis (traffic thresholds).
V-62613 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must generate a log record when unauthorized network services are detected.
V-62591 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security, if used as a TLS gateway/decryption point or VPN concentrator, must provide the capability to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the information system.
V-62611 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must detect use of network services that have not been authorized or approved by the ISSM and ISSO, at a minimum.
V-62593 Medium To protect against data mining, the Palo Alto Networks security platform must detect and prevent SQL and other code injection attacks launched against data storage objects, including, at a minimum, databases, database records, queries, and fields.
V-62617 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must continuously monitor inbound communications traffic crossing internal security boundaries.
V-62595 Medium To protect against data mining, the Palo Alto Networks security platform must detect and prevent code injection attacks launched against application objects including, at a minimum, application URLs and application code.
V-62615 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must generate an alert to, at a minimum, the ISSO and ISSM when unauthorized network services are detected.
V-62597 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must off-load audit records onto a different system or media than the system being audited.
V-62635 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform, if used for TLS/SSL decryption, must use NIST FIPS-validated cryptography to implement encryption.
V-62599 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform being used for TLS/SSL decryption using PKI-based user authentication must only accept end entity certificates issued by DoD PKI or DoD-approved PKI Certificate Authorities (CAs) for the establishment of protected sessions.
V-62619 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must continuously monitor outbound communications traffic crossing internal security boundaries.
V-62631 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must block traceroutes and ICMP probes originating from untrusted networks (e.g., ISP and other non-DoD networks).
V-62633 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform providing encryption intermediary services must implement NIST FIPS-validated cryptography to generate cryptographic hashes.
V-62561 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must not enable the DNS proxy.
V-62557 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must only enable User-ID on trusted zones.
V-62551 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform that stores secret or private keys must use FIPS-approved key management technology and processes in the production and control of private/secret cryptographic keys.
V-62579 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must block malicious code upon detection.
V-62577 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must update malicious code protection mechanisms and signature definitions whenever new releases are available in accordance with organizational configuration management policy and procedures.
V-62575 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must terminate communications sessions after 15 minutes of inactivity.
V-62573 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must deny network communications traffic by default and allow network communications traffic by exception (i.e., deny all, permit by exception).
V-62571 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must deny outbound IP packets that contain an illegitimate address in the source address field.
V-62553 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform, if used as a TLS gateway/decryption point or VPN concentrator, must use NIST FIPS-validated cryptography to protect the integrity of remote access sessions.
V-62583 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must automatically update malicious code protection mechanisms.
V-62581 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must delete or quarantine malicious code in response to malicious code detection.
V-62603 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must use a Vulnerability Protection Profile that blocks any critical, high, or medium threats.
V-62587 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must prevent the download of prohibited mobile code.
V-62605 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must only allow incoming communications from organization-defined authorized sources forwarded to organization-defined authorized destinations.
V-62585 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must block or restrict detected prohibited mobile code.
V-62607 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must identify and log internal users associated with prohibited outgoing communications traffic.
V-62589 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform, if used as a TLS gateway/decryption point or VPN concentrator, must control remote access methods (inspect and filter traffic).
V-62621 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must generate an alert to, at a minimum, the ISSO and ISSM when threats identified by authoritative sources (e.g., IAVMs or CTOs) are detected.
V-62627 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must generate an alert to, at a minimum, the ISSO and ISSM when denial of service incidents are detected.
V-62625 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must generate an alert to, at a minimum, the ISSO and ISSM when rootkits or other malicious software which allows unauthorized non-privileged access is detected.
V-62623 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must generate an alert to, at a minimum, the ISSO and ISSM when rootkits or other malicious software which allows unauthorized privileged access is detected.
V-62645 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must send an immediate (within seconds) alert to the system administrator, at a minimum, in response to malicious code detection.
V-62641 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must inspect inbound and outbound FTP and FTPS communications traffic (if authorized) for protocol compliance and protocol anomalies.
V-62643 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must inspect inbound and outbound HTTP traffic (if authorized) for protocol compliance and protocol anomalies.
V-62547 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform, if used to provide intermediary services for remote access communications traffic (TLS or SSL decryption), must ensure inbound and outbound traffic is monitored for compliance with remote access security policies.
V-62563 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must be configured to prohibit or restrict the use of functions, ports, protocols, and/or services, as defined in the PPSM CAL and vulnerability assessments.
V-62629 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must generate an alert to, at a minimum, the ISSO and ISSM when new active propagation of malware infecting DoD systems or malicious code adversely affecting the operations and/or security of DoD systems is detected.
V-62565 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform that provides intermediary services for TLS must validate certificates used for TLS functions by performing RFC 5280-compliant certification path validation.
V-62567 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must protect against the use of internal systems from launching Denial of Service (DoS) attacks against other networks or endpoints.
V-62569 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must block phone home traffic.
V-62639 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must inspect inbound and outbound SMTP and Extended SMTP communications traffic (if authorized) for protocol compliance and protocol anomalies.
V-62559 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform must disable WMI probing if it is not used.
V-62549 Medium The Palo Alto Networks security platform, if used as a TLS gateway/decryption point or VPN concentrator, must use encryption services that implement NIST FIPS-validated cryptography to protect the confidentiality of remote access sessions.
V-62637 Low The Palo Alto Networks security platform must, at a minimum, off-load threat and traffic log records onto a centralized log server in real time.
V-62555 Low The Palo Alto Networks security platform must log violations of security policies.
V-62609 Low The Palo Alto Networks security platform must be configured to integrate with a system-wide intrusion detection system.