Use of external executables must be authorized.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-220287 O121-C2-011800 SV-220287r960963_rule Medium
Information systems are capable of providing a wide variety of functions and services. Some of the functions and services, provided by default, may not be necessary to support essential organizational operations (e.g., key missions, functions). It is detrimental for applications to provide, or install by default, functionality exceeding requirements or mission objectives. Examples include, but are not limited to, installing advertising software, demonstrations, or browser plugins not related to requirements or providing a wide array of functionality not required for the mission. Applications must adhere to the principles of least functionality by providing only essential capabilities. DBMSs may spawn additional external processes to execute procedures that are defined in the DBMS, but stored in external host files (external procedures). The spawned process used to execute the external procedure may operate within a different OS security context than the DBMS and provide unauthorized access to the host system.
Oracle Database 12c Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-06-12


Check Text ( C-22002r878049_chk )
Review the database for definitions of application executable objects stored external to the database.

Determine if there are methods to disable use or access, or to remove definitions for external executable objects.

Verify any application executable objects listed are authorized by the ISSO.

To check for external procedures, execute the following query, which will provide the libraries containing external procedures, the owners of those libraries, users that have been granted access to those libraries, and the privileges they have been granted. If there are owners other than the owners Oracle provides, then there might be executable objects stored either in the database or external to the database that are called by objects in the database.

(connect as sysdba)
set linesize 130
column library_name format a25
column name format a15
column owner format a15
column grantee format a15
column privilege format a15
select library_name,owner, '' grantee, '' privilege
from dba_libraries
where file_spec is not null
and owner not in ('SYS', 'ORDSYS')
select library_name, owner, '' grantee, '' privilege
from dba_libraries l,
sys.user$ o,
sys.user$ ge,
sys.obj$ obj,
sys.objauth$ oa
and obj.owner#=o.user#
and oa.obj#=obj.obj#
and ge.user#=oa.grantee#
and l.file_spec is not null
union all
select library_name, owner, --obj.obj#,oa.privilege#, grantee, privilege
from dba_libraries l,
sys.user$ o,
sys.user$ ge,
sys.obj$ obj,
sys.objauth$ oa,
sys.table_privilege_map tpm
and obj.owner#=o.user#
and oa.obj#=obj.obj#
and ge.user#=oa.grantee#
and tpm.privilege=oa.privilege#
and l.file_spec is not null

If any owners are returned other than those Oracle provides, ensure those owners are authorized to access those libraries. If there are users that have been granted access to libraries that are not authorized, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-21994r391993_fix)
Disable use of or remove any external application executable object definitions that are not authorized.

Revoke privileges granted to users that are not authorized access to external applications.