The DBMS_JOB PL/SQL package has been replaced by DBMS_SCHEDULER in Oracle versions 10.1 and higher, though it continues to be supported for backward compatibility. From SQL*Plus: select value from v$parameter where name = 'job_queue_processes'; From SQL*Plus: select value from all_scheduler_global_attribute where ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'MAX_JOB_SLAVE_PROCESSES'; To understand the relationship between these settings, review: Review documented and implemented procedures for monitoring the Oracle DBMS job/batch queues for unauthorized submissions. If procedures for job queue review are not defined, documented or evidence of implementation does not exist, this is a Finding. Job queue information is available from the DBA_JOBS view. The following command lists jobs submitted to the queue. DBMS_JOB does not generate a 'history' of previous job executions. From SQL*Plus: select job, next_date, next_sec, failures, broken from dba_jobs; Scheduler queue information is available from the DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS view. The following command lists jobs submitted to the queue. From SQL*Plus: select owner, job_name, state, job_class, job_type, job_action from dba_scheduler_jobs; |