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Use of credentials and proxies must be restricted to necessary cases only.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-213980 SQL6-D0-010500 SV-213980r961359_rule Medium
In certain situations, to provide required functionality, a DBMS needs to execute internal logic (stored procedures, functions, triggers, etc.) and/or external code modules with elevated privileges. However, if the privileges required for execution are at a higher level than the privileges assigned to organizational users invoking the functionality applications/programs, those users are indirectly provided with greater privileges than assigned by organizations. Privilege elevation must be utilized only where necessary and protected from misuse.
MS SQL Server 2016 Instance Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-06-12


Check Text ( C-15197r313723_chk )
Review the server documentation to obtain a listing of accounts used for executing external processes. Execute the following query to obtain a listing of accounts currently configured for use by external processes.

SELECT C.name AS credential_name, C.credential_identity
FROM sys.credentials C

SELECT P.name AS proxy_name, C.name AS credential_name, C.credential_identity
FROM sys.credentials C
JOIN msdb.dbo.sysproxies P ON C.credential_id = P.credential_id
WHERE P.enabled = 1

If any Credentials or SQL Agent Proxy accounts are returned that are not documented and authorized, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-15195r313724_fix)
Remove any SQL Agent Proxy accounts and credentials that are not authorized.


USE [msdb]
EXEC sp_delete_proxy @proxy_name = ''