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Access to database files must be limited to relevant processes and to authorized, administrative users.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-213977 SQL6-D0-010000 SV-213977r879649_rule Medium
SQL Server must prevent unauthorized and unintended information transfer via shared system resources. Permitting only SQL Server processes and authorized, administrative users to have access to the files where the database resides helps ensure that those files are not shared inappropriately and are not open to backdoor access and manipulation.
MS SQL Server 2016 Instance Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-19


Check Text ( C-15194r313714_chk )
Review the permissions granted to users by the operating system/file system on the database files, database log files, and database backup files.

To obtain the location of SQL Server data, transaction log, and backup files, open and execute the supplemental file "Get SQL Data and Backup Directories.sql".

For each of the directories returned by the above script, verify whether the correct permissions have been applied.

1) Launch Windows Explorer.
2) Navigate to the folder.
3) Right-click the folder and click "Properties".
4) Navigate to the "Security" tab.
5) Review the listing of principals and permissions.

Account Type Directory Type Permission
Database Administrators ALL Full Control
SQL Server Service SID Data; Log; Backup; Full Control
SQL Server Agent Service SID Backup Full Control
SYSTEM ALL Full Control

For information on how to determine a "Service SID", go to:

Additional permission requirements, including full directory permissions and operating system rights for SQL Server, are documented at:

If any additional permissions are granted but not documented as authorized, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-15192r313715_fix)
Remove any unauthorized permission grants from SQL Server data, log, and backup directories.

1) On the "Security" tab, highlight the user entry.
2) Click "Remove".