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SQL Server must enforce approved authorizations for logical access to information and system resources in accordance with applicable access control policies.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-213901 SQL6-D0-000300 SV-213901r879530_rule High
Authentication with a DoD-approved PKI certificate does not necessarily imply authorization to access SQL Server. To mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information by entities that have been issued certificates by DoD-approved PKIs, all DoD systems, including databases, must be properly configured to implement access control policies. Successful authentication must not automatically give an entity access to an asset or security boundary. Authorization procedures and controls must be implemented to ensure each authenticated entity also has a validated and current authorization. Authorization is the process of determining whether an entity, once authenticated, is permitted to access a specific asset. Information systems use access control policies and enforcement mechanisms to implement this requirement. Access control policies include identity-based policies, role-based policies, and attribute-based policies. Access enforcement mechanisms include access control lists, access control matrices, and cryptography. These policies and mechanisms must be employed by the application to control access between users (or processes acting on behalf of users) and objects (e.g., devices, files, records, processes, programs, and domains) in the information system. This requirement is applicable to access control enforcement applications, a category that includes database management systems. If SQL Server does not follow applicable policy when approving access, it may be in conflict with networks or other applications in the information system. This may result in users either gaining or being denied access inappropriately and in conflict with applicable policy.
MS SQL Server 2016 Database Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-21


Check Text ( C-15119r822445_chk )
Review the system documentation to determine the required levels of protection for securables in the database, by type of user.

If the database is tempdb, this is NA.

Review the permissions actually in place in the database.

If the actual permissions do not match the documented requirements, this is a finding.

Use the supplemental file "Database permission assignments to users and roles.sql".
Fix Text (F-15117r313136_fix)
Use GRANT, REVOKE, DENY, ALTER ROLE … ADD MEMBER … and/or ALTER ROLE …. DROP MEMBER statements to add and remove permissions on database-level securables, bringing them into line with the documented requirements.