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The Juniper SRX Services Gateway must be configured with only one local user account to be used as the account of last resort.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-223215 JUSX-DM-000115 SV-223215r960966_rule Medium
Without centralized management, credentials for some network devices will be forgotten, leading to delays in administration, which itself leads to delays in remediating production problems and in addressing compromises in a timely fashion. Maintaining local administrator accounts for daily usage on each network device without centralized management is not scalable or feasible. Local accounts are configured using the local password authentication method which does not meet the multifactor authentication criteria. The account of last resort is a group authenticator which does not provide nonrepudiation, thus must be used only rare cases where the device must be accessed using the local console and an individual authenticator is not possible, including when network access is not available.
Juniper SRX SG NDM Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-06-10


Check Text ( C-24888r513332_chk )
Verify only a single local account has an authentication stanza and that the name is the account of last resort.

show system login

user {
uid 2001;
class ;
authentication { <--- This stanza permits local login
encrypted-password "$sha2$22895$aVBPaRVa$o6xIqNSYg9D7yt8pI47etAjZV9uuwHrhAFT6R021HNsy"; ## SECRET-DATA

