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The Juniper router must be configured to limit privileges to change the software resident within software libraries.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-217319 JUNI-ND-000460 SV-217319r960960_rule Medium
Changes to any software components of the network device can have significant effects on the overall security of the network. Therefore, only qualified and authorized individuals should be allowed administrative access to the network device for implementing any changes or upgrades. If the network device were to enable non-authorized users to make changes to software libraries, those changes could be implemented without undergoing testing, validation, and approval.
Juniper Router NDM Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-06-12


Check Text ( C-18546r296535_chk )
Review the router configuration to verify that it is compliant with this requirement. The configuration example below depicts a class JR_ENGINEER that is not permitted to add, change, or delete software installed on the router.

login {
permissions all;
deny-commands "request system software";

Note: The following are the options under request system software:

abort - Abort software upgrade
add - Add extension or upgrade package
delete - Remove extension or upgrade package
rollback - Roll back to previous set of packages
validate - Verify package compatibility with current configuration

If the router is not configured to limit privileges to change the software resident within software libraries, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-18544r296536_fix)
Configure one or more classes as shown in the example below whose users will not be permitted to add, change, or delete software installed on the router.

[edit system]
set login class JR_ENGINEER permissions all
set login class JR_ENGINEER deny-commands “(request system software)”

Note: The predefined classes "operator" and "Read-only" do not have permissions to install or delete software.