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The Juniper EX switch must be configured to generate audit records containing information that establishes the identity of any individual or process associated with the event.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-253894 JUEX-NM-000170 SV-253894r879568_rule Medium
Without information that establishes the identity of the subjects (i.e., administrators or processes acting on behalf of administrators) associated with the events, security personnel cannot determine responsibility for the potentially harmful event. Event identifiers (if authenticated or otherwise known) include, but are not limited to, user database tables, primary key values, user names, or process identifiers.
Juniper EX Series Switches Network Device Management Security Technical Implementation Guide 2023-12-18


Check Text ( C-57346r844935_chk )
Determine if the network device generates audit records containing information that establishes the identity of any individual or process associated with the event. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or validated test results.

Junos standard event log messages are configurable for time format, inclusion of logging facility and severity levels, and format. Setting "structured-data" automatically includes "explicit-priority" and "time-format year millisecond". Verify logging is enabled.

[edit system]
syslog {
host {
any info;
structured-data; <<< Includes 'explicit-priority' and 'time-format'
host {
any info;
explicit-priority; <<< Includes logging facility and severity in standard format
file {
any info; <<< Uses only standard format
time-format year; <<< Applied only to standard format
Note: In the example, events sent to the first external syslog server include the year and time is expressed in milliseconds. The second syslog server and the file both include the year, but time is expressed in seconds.

If the network device does not generate audit records containing information that establishes the identity of any individual or process associated with the event, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-57297r843714_fix)
Configure the network device to generate audit records containing information that establishes the identity of any individual or process associated with the event.

set system syslog host any info
set system syslog host structured-data <<< Includes the 'explicit-priority' and 'time-format year millisecond' directives
set system syslog file any info
set system syslog file structured-data <<< Includes the 'explicit-priority' and 'time-format year millisecond' directives
set system syslog host any info
set system syslog host explicit-priority <<< Only if log level and severity are required
set system syslog file any info
set system syslog file explicit-priority <<< Only if log level and severity are required
set system syslog time-format year