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Silent Authentication must be removed from the Default Management Security Realm.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-213501 JBOS-AS-000050 SV-213501r954708_rule High
Silent Authentication is a configuration setting that allows local OS users access to the JBoss server and a wide range of operations without specifically authenticating on an individual user basis. By default $localuser is a Superuser. This introduces an integrity and availability vulnerability and violates best practice requirements regarding accountability.
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.3 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-26


Check Text ( C-14724r754850_chk )
Log on to the OS of the JBoss server with OS permissions that allow access to JBoss.
Using the relevant OS commands and syntax, cd to the /bin/ folder.
Run the jboss-cli script.
Connect to the server and authenticate.

Verify that Silent Authentication has been removed from the default Management security realm.
Run the following command.

For standalone servers run the following command:
"ls /core-service=management/security-realm=ManagementRealm/authentication"

For managed domain installations run the following command:
"ls /host=HOST_NAME/core-service=management/security-realm=ManagementRealm/authentication"

If "local" is returned, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-14722r754851_fix)
Log on to the OS of the JBoss server with OS permissions that allow access to JBoss.
Using the relevant OS commands and syntax, cd to the /bin/ folder.
Run the jboss-cli script.
Connect to the server and authenticate.

Remove the local element from the Management Realm.
For standalone servers run the following command:

For managed domain installations run the following command: