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Unauthorized partitions must not exist on the system complex.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-256862 HLP0010 SV-256862r991589_rule Medium
The running of unauthorized Logical Partitions (LPARs) could allow a “Trojan horse” version of the operating environment to be introduced into the system complex. This could impact the integrity of the system complex and the confidentiality of the data that resides in it.
IBM Hardware Management Console (HMC) Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-06-24


Check Text ( C-60537r890930_chk )
Using the Hardware Management Console, do the following:

Access the Change LPAR Control Panel. (This will list the LPARs.)

Compare the partition names listed on the Partition Page to the names entered on the Central Processor Complex Domain/LPAR Names table.
Note: Each site should maintain a list of valid LPARS that are configured on thier system , what operating system, and the purpose of each LPAR.
If unauthorized partitions exist on the system complex and the deviation is not documented, this is a FINDING.
Fix Text (F-60480r890931_fix)
Review the LPARs on the system and remove any unauthorized LPARs. If a deviation exists, the system administrator will provide written justification for the deviation.

This will be displayed by using the Change LPAR Control Panel.