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The container platform registry must remove old container images after updating versions have been made available.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-233231 SRG-APP-000454-CTR-001115 SV-233231r961677_rule Medium
Obsolete and stale images need to be removed from the registry to ensure the container platform maintains a secure posture. While the storing of these images does not directly pose a threat, they do increase the likelihood of these images being deployed. Removing stale or obsolete images and only keeping the most recent versions of those that are still in use removes any possibility of vulnerable images being deployed.
Container Platform Security Requirements Guide 2024-05-28


Check Text ( C-36167r601825_chk )
Review container platform registry documentation and configuration to determine if organization-defined images contains latest approved vendor software image version.

If organization-defined images do not contain the latest approved vendor software image version, this is a finding.

Review container platform registry documentation and configuration to determine if organization-defined images are removed after updated versions have been installed.

If organization-defined images are not removed after updated versions have been installed, this is a finding.

Review container platform runtime documentation and configuration to determine if organization-defined images are executing latest image version from the container registry.

If container platform runtime is not executing latest organization-defined images from the container platform registry, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-36135r878099_fix)
Configure the container platform registry to update organization-defined images with current approved vendor version and remove obsolete images after updated versions have been installed. Configure the container platform runtime to execute latest organization-defined images from the container platform registry.