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The Cisco ISE must generate audit records for privileged activities or other system-level access.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-242624 CSCO-NM-000180 SV-242624r879875_rule Medium
Without generating audit records that are specific to the security and mission needs of the organization, it would be difficult to establish, correlate, and investigate the events relating to an incident or identify those responsible for one. Audit records can be generated from various components within the network device (e.g., module or policy filter).
Cisco ISE NDM Security Technical Implementation Guide 2023-05-05


Check Text ( C-45899r864195_chk )
Verify logging categories have been configured to send auditable events to the syslog target.

From the Web Admin portal:
1. Choose Administration >> System >> Logging >> Logging Categories.
2. Verify the Administrative and Operational Audit is configured for the INFO log severity level.
3. Verify both the Administrative and Operational Audit and the AAA Audit logging categories have been set to the syslog target.

If the Administrative and Operational Audit (INFO severity) and the AAA Audit logging category is not configured to send to the central syslog server, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-45856r864196_fix)
Enable logging categories for Cisco ISE to send auditable events to the syslog target.

From the Web Admin portal:
1. Choose Administration >> System >> Logging >> Logging Categories.
2. Click the radio button next to the Administrative and Operational Audit logging category and then click "Edit".
3. Choose INFO from the Log Severity Level drop-down list.
4. In the Targets field, move the syslog target name that is being used to the Selected box.
5. Repeat the above steps to enable the AAA Audit logging category. However, this logging category has INFO as the default log severity level and cannot be changed.
5. Click "Save".