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The Cisco router must only store cryptographic representations of passwords.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-96265 CISC-ND-000620 SV-105403r1_rule High
Passwords need to be protected at all times, and encryption is the standard method for protecting passwords. If passwords are not encrypted, they can be plainly read (i.e., clear text) and easily compromised. Network devices must enforce cryptographic representations of passwords when storing passwords in databases, configuration files, and log files. Passwords must be protected at all times; using a strong one-way hashing encryption algorithm with a salt is the standard method for providing a means to validate a password without having to store the actual password. Performance and time required to access are factors that must be considered, and the one way hash is the most feasible means of securing the password and providing an acceptable measure of password security. If passwords are stored in clear text, they can be plainly read and easily compromised. In many instances, verifying the user knows a password is performed using a password verifier. In its simplest form, a password verifier is a computational function that is capable of creating a hash of a password and determining if the value provided by the user matches the stored hash.
Cisco IOS XE Router NDM Security Technical Implementation Guide 2019-07-25


Check Text ( C-95099r1_chk )
Review the router configuration to determine if passwords are encrypted as shown in the example below.

service password-encryption

If the router is not configured to encrypt passwords, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-101941r1_fix)
Configure the router to encrypt all passwords.

R4(config)#service password-encryption