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The Ubuntu operating system must not have the Network Information Service (NIS) package installed.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-219157 UBTU-18-010018 SV-219157r610963_rule High
Removing the Network Information Service (NIS) package decreases the risk of the accidental (or intentional) activation of NIS or NIS+ services.
Canonical Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-16


Check Text ( C-20882r304799_chk )
Verify that the Network Information Service (NIS) package is not installed on the Ubuntu operating system.

Check to see if the NIS package is installed with the following command:

# dpkg -l | grep nis

If the NIS package is installed, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-20881r304800_fix)
Configure the Ubuntu operating system to disable non-essential capabilities by removing the Network Information Service (NIS) package from the system with the following command:

# sudo apt-get remove nis