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The BIND 9.x server implementation must maintain at least 3 file versions of the local log file.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-207548 BIND-9X-001042 SV-207548r879582_rule Low
DNS software administrators require DNS transaction logs for a wide variety of reasons including troubleshooting, intrusion detection, and forensics. Ensuring that the DNS transaction logs are recorded on the local system will provide the capability needed to support these actions.
BIND 9.x Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-15


Check Text ( C-7803r283698_chk )
Verify that the BIND 9.x server is configured to retain at least 3 versions of the local log file.

Inspect the "named.conf" file for the following:

logging {
channel local_file_channel {
file "path_name" versions 3;

If the "versions" variable is not defined, this is a finding.

If the "versions" variable is configured to retain less than 3 versions of the local log file, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-7803r283699_fix)
Edit the "named.conf" file.

Add the "versions" variable to the end of the "file" sub statement in the channel statement.

Configure the "versions" sub statement to a number that is greater or equal to 3.

Restart the BIND 9.x process.