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Connectors must be secured.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-222935 TCAT-AS-000100 SV-222935r960792_rule Medium
The unencrypted HTTP protocol does not protect data from interception or alteration which can subject users to eavesdropping, tracking, and the modification of received data. To secure an HTTP connector, both the secure and scheme flags must be set.
Apache Tomcat Application Server 9 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-05-23


Check Text ( C-24607r426249_chk )
From the Tomcat server console, run the following command:

sudo cat $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.

Examine each element.

For each connector, verify the secure= flag is set to "true" and the scheme= flag is set to "https" on each connector.

If the secure flag is not set to "true" and/or the scheme flag is not set to "https" for each HTTP connector element, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-24596r426250_fix)
From the Tomcat server as a privileged user, edit the server.xml file.

sudo nano $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.

Locate each element which is lacking a secure setting.

EXAMPLE Connector:
redirectPort="443" />

Set or add scheme="https" and secure="true" for each HTTP connector element.

maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true".../>

Save the server.xml file and restart Tomcat:
sudo systemctl restart tomcat
sudo systemctl reload-daemon